Track your order

Frequently Asked Questions

Our system is a LIVE inventory system and is updated based on changes in stock levels & status’- including external impacts such as shipping/receiving.
Should you wish to discuss your new ETA date, please call our Customer Service Team on 13 14 16 - Option 1.

Please refer to the column status for your shipping updates labelled ‘Status’. The definition of these status are below -

  • PENDING: Item is yet to be released, refer to Est. Delivery Date
  • CANCELLED: Line is cancelled. If you believe it was cancelled in error, please contact Customer Service on 13 14 16- Option 1
  • PICKED UP: The Transport Carrier has collected the item.
  • SHIPPED or IN TRANSIT: The item is on the way to the store
  • PARTIALLY DELIVERED: Not all items were delivered. Please contact Customer Service on 13 14 16 - Option 1 to find out when the remaining items will be delivered.
  • DELIVERED: All quantities to the line have been delivered in full - POD will be available by clicking on the link in the POD column for the PO

If your ETA has passed, please call our Customer Service Team on 13 14 16 - Option 1.

If an order says delivered- click the link to the POD to see who signed for the order. If the delivery dates was prior to today and the POD is not in the Where’s My Order portal, please call our Customer Service Team on 13 14 16- Option 1.

  • When entering your order number, please do not use symbols or spaces.
    E.g. if your original PO is 159/PO523-1 it would appear in portal as 159PO5231.
  • If your purchase order begins with your store number, you will need to include that number when searching.
    E.g. PO 1234C11223344 may be commonly referred to as C11223344 (1234 is reference to the store number) but you will need to use the store number during your search.
Can’t find an answer? Please contact our Customer Service team on 13 14 16 – Option 1.
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